
Older Posts

Posted on
  • Minggu, 29 Desember 2013
  • by
  • Alya Nurhafidza
  • in

  • Re-reading some older posts apparently can make you feel extremely ashamed and disgusted…with yourself. Hahaha

    That is what i am doing right now. After having some great laugh, just by re-reading some older posts, my lips unconsciously mumble, “High level damn! How can you give some fuck that shit?”or “Anjir, tai babi level akhir, kenapa gue alay bener pake ngepost-ngepost gini.” or such like that. Yeah.

    I succesfully feel like a gook. Kicking my own ass is obviously what i really want to. Yeah. Uhm… ever been guessed. Just because: idiot older posts.

    But one my of comrades says “Justru di situ letak kenangannya, Al”. Ok, i, and probably you, will hush for a while. What she was saying is not totally wrong. Yeah, beside making u want to be jabbing yourself, re-seeing some your writing also can disclose some…uh…your old memories. Aha! You got it, do not you? Your eyes look ready to start twitching.

    You ought think "Ok, at least, i have ever been in that condition.” And, in the fact, you can through all these things, either bad, predicament, nice, good, or whatever.

    You ain't complain steadly. Or think stammering. You just need to see how you have come so far to be right where you are now. You are strong enough. Re-read ‘your older posts’, then you know that your life is indeed full of movement. Never absolutely have a dull or rigid journey since everyday is never the same.

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